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renderHotels1: function() {
var _this = this;
var popupOpened = false;
// go through every project and create a marker for it with required latitude and longitude
hotels1.forEach(function(hotel1, i) {
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if(_this.currentMarker === thisMarker) {
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setPopupContent: function(name, location, price, date, image, sector) {
var img = '';
if (image == '') {
img = 'no-image';
image = sector + '.png';
var color = sector.toLowerCase();
return '
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var hotels1 = [
name: 'City Tower, Manchester',
geoLtd: 53.480508,
geoLng: -2.238749,
location: '6.1% of total portfolio value, 25% of joint venture. 610,000 sq ft of office, retail, leisure and hotel accommodation on a three-acre island site in the heart of Manchester.',
price: '£28.5m',
date: 'Jun 14',
image: '',
sector: 'Mixed-use office'
name: 'Stacey Bushes, Milton Keynes',
geoLtd: 52.049806,
geoLng: -0.801278,
location: '11.1% of total portfolio value. 360,000 sq ft multi-let industrial estate comprising 67 units immediately adjacent to the A5 dual carriageway on the west side of Milton Keynes',
price: '£51.8m',
date: 'Aug 14',
image: '',
sector: 'Industrial'
name: 'London, Store Street, University of Law, Bloomsbury, London',
geoLtd: 51.519930,
geoLng: -0.131363,
location: '8.2% of total portfolio value, 50% of joint venture. 85,814 sq ft with a mix of office and D1 (educational) planning use on 0.8-acre freehold site.',
price: '£38.4m',
date: 'Dec 14',
image: '',
sector: 'Office'
name: 'Millshaw Industrial Estate, Leeds',
geoLtd: 53.763833,
geoLng: -1.579611,
location: '9.8% of total portfolio value. 460,000 sq ft multi-let industrial estate comprising of 27 units strategically located two miles south of Leeds city centre and adjacent to White Rose Office Park and Shopping Centre',
price: '£45.8m',
date: 'Jul 15',
image: '',
sector: 'Industrial'
name: 'St Johns Retail Park, Bedford',
geoLtd: 52.130361,
geoLng: -0.462583,
location: '6.8% of total portfolio value. 130,000 sq ft retail warehouse park 1.5 miles from Bedford town centre',
price: '£31.6m',
date: 'May 15',
image: '',
sector: 'Retail'
name: 'Headingley Central, Leeds',
geoLtd: 53.822389,
geoLng: -1.578694,
location: '4.5% of total portfolio value. 125,000 sq ft multi-let hotel, retail, leisure and office property located in a densely populated suburb of Leeds',
price: '£20.9m',
date: 'Jan 14',
image: '',
sector: 'Mixed-use'
name: '106 Oxford Road, Uxbridge',
geoLtd: 51.550139,
geoLng: -0.483139,
location: '2.1% of total portfolio value. 40,000 sq ft office in London submarket with educational use',
price: '£9.7m',
date: 'Jul 04',
image: '',
sector: 'Office'
name: 'Union Industrial Park, Norwich',
geoLtd: 52.664944,
geoLng: 1.283417,
location: '4.9% of total portfolio value. 170,000 sq ft multi-let industrial estate comprising of 32 units',
price: '£22.9m',
date: 'Jul 04',
image: '',
sector: 'Industrial'
name: 'Cheadle, Stanley Green Trading Estate',
geoLtd: 53.39337782623746,
geoLng: -2.218190501661715,
location: '8.9% of total portfolio value. A trading estate comprising approximately 241,000 sq ft of trade counter, self-storage and warehouse accommodation across 25 units on a 12.4-acre site.',
price: '£41.3m',
date: 'Dec 20',
image: '',
sector: 'Industrial'
name: 'Chippenham, Langley Park Industrial Estate',
geoLtd: 51.46824532080595,
geoLng: -2.1102858227606505,
location: '5.4% of total portfolio value. Multi-let industrial estate comprising 400,000 sq ft of warehouse and ancillary office accommodation on a 28-acre site.',
date: 'Dec 20',
price: '£25.2m',
image: '',
sector: 'Industrial'
name: 'Horton Park Industrial Park, Telford',
geoLtd: 52.715552173651716,
geoLng: -2.46178483022339255,
location: '3.0% of total portfolio value',
date: 'Jul 04',
price: '£14.0m',
image: '',
sector: 'Industrial'
name: 'St. Ann’s House, Manchester',
geoLtd: 53.48166512402364,
geoLng: -2.2462775167116726,
location: '2.6% of total portfolio value',
date: 'May 22',
price: '£12.0m',
image: '',
sector: 'Mixed-use office'
name: 'Valley Park Industrial Estate, Birkenhead',
geoLtd: 53.406859775663385,
geoLng: -3.06292690136991,
location: '2.7% of total portfolio value',
date: 'Dec 21',
price: '£12.7m',
image: '',
sector: 'Industrial'
name: 'The Tun, Edinburgh',
geoLtd: 55.95104897510608,
geoLng: -3.177614196371161,
location: '2.3% of total portfolio value',
date: 'Aug 18',
price: '£10.8m',
image: '',
sector: 'Office'
name: 'Matalan, Watling Street, Milton Keynes',
geoLtd: 52.0005563104996,
geoLng: -0.7228616232817779,
location: '2.1% of total portfolio value. 54,000 sq ft retail warehouse park comprising of 3 units anchored by Matalan',
date: 'Nov 14',
price: '£9.7m',
image: '',
sector: 'Retail warehouse'